For Jon's birthday we took a dirt-biking trip to Moab with Jon's brother and his fiance. It would've been a relatively cheap camping vacation, except that almost every road home was closed due to snow or a rockslike. We ended up waiting it out for the night in a hotel. I have to admit that a hot shower was sounding pretty good after all that cold and rain and camping grime, so I didn't mind spending the extra money. I think I did pretty well on the bike for my first time riding off road. Jon was impressed at first, but then I tried to go down a steep hill too slowly and crashed, ruining my credibility as a natural.
After five years of saving and scheming, we quit our jobs and sold our house in Denver, CO. This is the story of our journey from Maine where we bought Baby Blue, down the US Atlantic Coast (offshore and ICW), through the Eastern Caribbean islands and back again from July 2014 - July 2016. We then returned to shore to build a tiny house, buy land, and have a baby! We're now raising our young son in Western North Carolina and planning our next big adventure.