In the interest of making money on our house to partially (or mostly) finance our trip, we've spent the last couple of weeks remodeling our kitchen. I forgot to take a good before picture, so here's a during: We had to take out the old plaster wall in order to move the doorway from the right side to the middle. Holy dust storm in our house. And the after: New fridge, dishwasher, cabinet pulls, sink and faucet, counter top, doorway, shelves, tile floors, and paint! So yeah, we're in debt again. Plus we booked our honeymoon this month. Sheesh.
After five years of saving and scheming, we quit our jobs and sold our house in Denver, CO. This is the story of our journey from Maine where we bought Baby Blue, down the US Atlantic Coast (offshore and ICW), through the Eastern Caribbean islands and back again from July 2014 - July 2016. We then returned to shore to build a tiny house, buy land, and have a baby! We're now raising our young son in Western North Carolina and planning our next big adventure.