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Oh, hello there.

When Jon told me of his dream to see the world while living aboard a sailboat, I fell in love with the idea immediately. I had always wanted to do something different with my life, but at the ripe old age of 24 I was starting to worry that my big adventure was never going to happen. Jon had been obsessed with the sailboat idea since high school; he even had a sailboat tattooed on his arm. But not having found anyone who shared this dream, at 28 he all but abandoned hope and signed himself up for the Navy. Luckily for both of us, we fell in love and Jon decided not to go to boot camp. Yes, it was really that easy and yes, I credit myself with saving his life.

As we began to speak more freely about the possibilities for our future, the cruising life looked extremely appealing, and maybe even possible. I started reading from his library of sailing adventures and quickly became convinced that this is what I'd been waiting for. Jon didn't need to be convinced. But being a social worker and a courier, our combined salaries stretch just far enough to cover our expenses and slowly chip away at our debt. If we're going to save any money, we'll really have to buckle down and do without. The only questions now are, how much will our lives have to change and how long until we're ready to set sail?

We decided to start this blog to help us stay motivated and track our progress. We'll document the sacrifices and rewards that are sure to come from our attempts to drop out of a consumer lifestyle and live as simply as possible.

Oh, and we're getting married next year! Some gushing about our wedding might creep in as well.
