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Ancient City

 Crossing under the Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine, FL.

 We decided to stay for a week on a mooring at the municipal marina in order to get 
a proper look at the oldest city in the nation.

As soon as we were showered and presentable, we were treated to an Ancient City tour 
with our guides, Bob and Jane from Voyageur.
The lobby of Flagler College

On our second day in town we found a good deal on a whisker pole at the Sailor's Exchange and team-carried all 12.5' of it a mile down the road (without taking out a single tourist)!
Water wheel in downtown St. Augustine.
The Lightner Museum lit up for the holidays. It's weird hearing Christmas 
music in 70 degrees whilst surrounded by palm trees.
Jon's grandmother and her friend Mo came down from Ocala the following day. We toured the Castillo de San Marcos and then had lunch at Harry's. (We also gladly accepted their generous offer of a ride to the grocery store before they left so we could re-provision.)
Looking toward our marina from atop the Castillo de San Marcos.
At some point each day we get a reminder that we're moored right next to the old fort 
when we suddenly hear a cannon go off, followed by cheers. At least they're pretty.


  1. Looks like the weather is getting better for you two. Santa loves palm trees!

  2. I love the warm pictures, and the beautiful architecture in this post! =)

    1. Thanks Meghan! Most of the photos are Henry Flager's buildings, I do believe.


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