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Vieques and Culebra

Following our week-long road trip, we decided we should do some work on the boat. My sewing machine completely died, so Jon and I spent an entire day hand-stitching the canvas sail cover back onto our jib. After two days without leaving the boat, we were ready to move on to the Spanish Virgin Islands: Vieques and Culebra.
Some of the wild horses on Vieques, weeding someone's garden.

The very cute town of Esperanza on Vieques

More wild horses on our way to the black sand beach.
Apparently they eat mangoes, so we decided to help them find some.

It only looks like the horse is eating my arm off.

On the southeast coast of the island we found a beautiful anchorage with little day-use gazebos all down the beach. Perfect for some fiberglass repair work on the dinghy. While we waited for it to dry we went snorkeling. The turtles always hid whenever we went underwater to find them.

The navy left their explosives all over the island we're anchored near. We saw tons of people walking around on it anyway.
Finally, on our way to Culebra we snapped a photo of one of the humpback whales!

Flamenco Beach, Culebra
Another tank on Flamenco Beach.

The best beach ever. A well-kept secret apparently. The waves weren't quite right for surfing that day but we had fun playing in the waves with the surfboard anyway/

Bumpy tree!
An amazing way to spend the day.

Drinking from a green coconut we found.

Despite the way Jon is looking at it, they're pretty tasty.
Chicken at the bar at Zaco's Tacos.
A little taste of our meandering route along Puerto Rico. It doesn't look nearly as laborious as it felt.


  1. TROPICAL HORSES! =) That beach looks amazeballs

    1. Every time I see a horse I think of you. Is that weird? Also every time I see a goat or a donkey, so basically I've been thinking of you a lot lately.


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